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October 09, 2019

It's no secret that life can have it's fair-share of stressors. From jobs, to family responsibility, commutes and more - sometimes it can feel difficult to schedule in even 5 minutes of time for self-care. Thankfully, that's where yoga can help! The practice of Yoga has lots of tools you can use to relieve stress in your life, even if it means taking a few moments in the morning or at the end of each day to practice a few poses. One of the chemical effects of stress in the body is when our bodies and minds flip into fight or flight mode, otherwise known as your sympathetic nervous system. This is when the heart rate quickens, the mind runs, and our breath becomes quick and shallow. This is not a state we can exist in for an extended length of time and so knowing how to calm your body and mind is a necessary tool that you can see great benefits from. Below are 5 yoga poses you can do to relieve stress in your life, you can do them individually or make a little sequence out of them!

This is the perfect way to relax after a long day, allowing your hips and low back to take a break is something your body needs. This is also a great way to unwind before you go to bed and gives you a chance to let any racing in your mind dissipate. Find a space on a wall and lay down with your head facing away from the wall. Then, swing your legs up the wall and if you need support under your hips add a blanket or pillow. Make yourself as comfortable as possible, close your eyes and maybe even play some relaxing music. Allow your whole body and mind to let go of any stressful thoughts or worries. Be fully present in the moment as you relax and find calm. Stay here as long as you like.

Allowing yourself time during your busy day is essential to reducing stress. Each of these poses can be done on their own held for a few breaths or longer, or you can create a short flow doing each pose as many times as you like. The beautiful thing about Yoga is it teaches you about your body and helps you develop a sense of awareness around it. As you continue to practice you will start to recognize the symptoms of stress right when they start to happen and can quickly halt that stress response in its tracks. Keep breathing and practicing and finding time for yourself!


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